The Mazda Business Accelerator (MBA) App provides Mazda Corporate and Dealer users with real-time sales information as vehicles are RDR'ed into the MNAO System. The application provides for the US MNAO selling Regions, Districts and Dealers: - Total Sales - Objectives - Percentage of sales to objectives - Drill-down to sales and objectives by carline
Sales information is displayed in the following formats: - Today ( Today's Sales, MTD Sales and % of MTD Sales Vs. Monthly Objectives) - MTD (Month-to-Date Sales, Monthly Objectives, % of MTD Sales Vs. Objectives) - Yesterday (Sales Count for Previous day, MTD Sales As Of Yesterday and % of MTD Sales Vs. Obj AOY)
Settings screens allows the user to - select a default view of either Today or MTD - remember the login credentials in the device.